Can't stick with a fitness routine? Here are 3 Simple Principles to Keep You from Failing at Fitness and Why A Personal Trainer Can Help.

We have this conversation every day with our Minneapolis personal training and group clients and even our potential clients.

They’ve tried and failed more times than they like to admit whether it be with a new diet or a fitness routine. You’re not alone! When they finally come to seek the help of a personal trainer they are on their last straw.

Consistency exists on a continuum. As long as you don’t give up, you haven’t failed. There are going to be be times when you can be 100% comitted and there are going to be times when you can only give 40%. That's OK!


Sometimes, everyday living has that sly way of intervening in even the best laid plans, tossing curve balls at you right and left. Before you know it, your fitness routine gets knocked out of commission. All too often though, people tend to think of fitness goals with a very ridged mentality. You may think your fitness plan is done for simply because you broke your diet rules or didn't stick to your workout routine for a few days. But, try not to think of fitness as being so black and white; getting a bit better every day, week after week, month after month. Gradually you will make those habits a way of life. These 3 simple proven principles that we use with our personal training clients everyday that can help you slowly build a fitter future.


1. Change Your Diet Slowly

When it comes to changing your eating and drinking habits, concentrate on one little change each time. Never expect to completely modify your diet instantaneously. Begin slowly and go from there, choosing one small diet action to integrate for a couple of weeks, before throwing anything else into the mix. You might focus on portion control, have one healthier food choice with every meal, set aside 20 minutes to prep your meal for tomorrow, cut out your sweet snacks and swap them for a better option, or eliminate processed and fast foods. Start with the area you feel needs the most improvement for you personally.


2. Keep Moving

Not everyone has the time to workout for an hour a day, or fit in the exact same routine every day. Make full use of the time you have. Fit some exercise inside the little pockets of time that present themselves during the day to get moving, and recognize that some exercise is definitely an improvement over nothing. Even 15 minutes working out is better than nothing, and really adds up over time. Do simple things to start. Use the stairs rather than the elevator. Park farther away from a building to fit a few more steps in. Get up and walk around the room every 20 minutes or so, rather than staying put at your desk. Go to the park to play with your little ones. And, when you have the time, fit in a longer workout at the gym.


3. Check Your Mindset

How you think is half the battle. Your fitness mindset can be either your worst enemy or your best friend. On the road to fitness, everyone is going to have setbacks, but never give up! Remember, any change takes time. Rather than beating yourself up because you fall off the bandwagon every now and then, reward yourself for what you are doing, and keep on going, knowing that you can do it. Picture how much better you'll look and feel in 6 months or a year from now, focusing clearly on that goal.

Rome wasn’t built in a day and you won’t reach your healthier lifestyle in a one day either. It’s a journey!

So, don't expect to get fit overnight. Little steps eventually do add up to create huge changes. Make gradual changes that fit with your particular lifestyle, and stick with them. Given time, you just might be amazed at the transformation you'll see.


Studio ME whole heartily believes in these three principles in order to be successful in your health and fitness journey. Always remember, it’s your journey not someone else’s so NEVER compare your results to someone else. Personal training at Studio ME in Minneapolis isn’t just about giving you a good workout and sending you on your way. We teach you how to love yourself so you can make changes that you need to live the life you want!

If you are in a crossroads and looking for some help on your health and wellness journey, schedule a FREE call with us today. We’d love to learn more about you and your goals and help you build your blueprint to success.


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