Week 7....Body Transformation Program = Results!

It’s happening…

Our bodies are changing.

We are getting stronger, losing inches, losing fat.

That is the definition of body recomposition and true body transformation.

And guess what?

We aren’t starving ourselves or eating a specific diet either keto, paleo, whatever is hot these days.

We are using our hand to determine our portions and eating a bunch of lean meat and veggies and the end of the week we get to eat more carbs so fruits, grains, etc.

Body Transformation Results

I love the balance and how my body feels. My stomach no longer has a constant bloated feel. I have lost fat and it’s gone down. I feel much more confident about my midsection. My arms are way more defined and people are commenting on how I look even on Zoom they can see it.

I didn’t go into this program to get ripped. I did it to reset my nutrition and in all honesty get back on track. I haven’t been able to train for myself in over 5 years. I was just teaching classes and working out at half capacity. It’s been nice to actually train for me for once.

The workout are tough but not impossible. it’s become routine and we are on a progressive overload cycle so every week our weight goes up as long as we can do it with good form of course. We are at 88% of our 10 rep max that we did at the beginning and doing many reps at that weight which is pretty awesome and we’ve done it safely.

Planning for healthy nutrition

The struggle these past two weeks has been planning the fruit and grocery shopping with when we can eat things.

For instance, I buy fruit for Thursday-Saturday but it’s either not ripe or I don’t eat it all then I have to wait until the following Thursday and its usually bad by then. Getting enough protein is easy for me. I also like how many veggies I need to eat.

I can honestly say, that before we started this program, I kept telling myself excuses about why I was eating poorly during quarantine. I kept saying, it’s OK I will be starting A12 soon and that will fix it.

We tell ourselves so many things and we believe them.

This leads to a very bad path. How many times have you told yourself these lies or made excuses for what you’re eating? It’s OK! We’re human and there is so much good food and beverages out there. For real! I’ve heard people say I want to live so I am going to enjoy what I want. Well that can also come at a price tag.

It’s never too late to start taking care of yourself and making smarter choices. Your health is your number one asset! You need it to live. You need it to take care of yourself so you can take care of others. It’s the one thing you can control (mostly unless you have some really, really bad genes).

This program, helps put it in perspective. It helps you feel confident, like you can do it and it is guaranteed to get you results!

Showcasing success on the program

I’ve gotta showcase Wendy this week. Wendy was a member well over a year ago. She did bootcamp with us and traveled a lot for work and does competitive sailing. She’s a badass!

Anyways, she needed a jumpstart so when she saw that we were doing this A12 program, she picked up the phone and called right away. While she wasn’t happy with the three month delay from COVID, she held on and started with us in July.

Her main goal was to feel confident in her skin for her family vacation to Europe. While the Europe trip didn’t happen due to COVID, Wendy is well on her way!

She had a pair of pants that she could barely get on and now she can button them in just only seven weeks and words out of her mouth “the nutrition has been easy and the workouts feel great.”

Hard work pays off. It’s just like the quote I put on our white board just before quarantine…

“Small changes each day, leads to big results.”


Week 8 of 12 - Body Transformation Program


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