Rules. Throw them out the window or keep them?


When I was first starting to adjust to isolation, I made some rules to get me through, and they helped. No napping, no TV before dinner, and one hour of moving my body every day. I needed the structure. My daily routine has been heavily influenced by those initial rules I set for myself. That’s the cool thing about creating a new routine; it takes quite a bit of effort at first. It takes rule-following and keeping promises to yourself. But it evolves into something much easier. It becomes simply what you do.


So I decided it was time to give myself a new rule:




I want to stand firm in my thankfulness for every situation I’m in, including this.


I’m glad I found peace with my physical body so that now I don’t have to fight that battle in isolation. 

I’ve probably gained a few pounds. I don’t know because I threw away my scale a long time ago. Sure, I’ve been snacking more and choosing some comfort foods that I don’t normally eat but I feel good! 


You know why? 


  • I’ve been able to stick with a routine!


  • I have my fitness family to sweat with and keep me on track.  I am actually working out more now!

  • I have my health. My family is healthy. 

  • I have put aside some unrealistic goals for myself and am just focusing on what I need right now.


Moving my body is such a gift and I’m so glad I connect with that rather than the joy-stealing concepts of numbers on a scale and unrealistic aesthetics.


I’m glad today my foundation is solid, I am strong, injury free, and can listen to what my body needs.

Nothing is certain in this world, except for me. My actions. What I choose. How I choose to show up each day!


If I’m feeling down, there’s a good chance an easy walk outside, a sweaty 20-minute workout, a bowl of ice cream, a cup of tea, or a good night’s sleep can make it better.

Or at least fine.


And, you know what, fine is OK, actually, it's better than OK right now!


So, you decide…

Rules or No Rules?

They sure helped Steve say focused over the past 8 weeks of quarantine.


I am 100% for rules to help us stay healthy and can help you set those rules whether they are around moving your body, your nutrition, sleep, or just life. Schedule a FREE 30 min Success Session with me today.


And let’s start showing up for ourselves and our loved ones. Because 90% of Life is Showing Up.


Schedule your call and start SHOWING UP today!



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