Member of the Month

Meet Danielle!

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Danielle joined our MEfit 8-week Bootcamp program in October. Before she joined she said her life was "pretty good". She has a great job that she is very invested in but it was gradually becoming the sole focus of her life and she was starting to get burnt out.

Exercise had become less of a priority in the last couple years for her. She would bike or walk to work and take yoga and spin classes on occasion but nothing was really consistent. She was having a had a hard time finding something that she enjoyed doing enough that I was willing to make time for.

"I would try to set aside time in the morning or after work and that would be great for about a week – until a meeting or something else would come up during that designated time and I would get off track."

According to Danielle, her work-life balance become out of whack. Working out had always improved her mood and helped her manage stress. "I had been trying to make exercise a part of my daily routine for a while but was having trouble sticking to it. I realized I really missed taking group classes and needed something like this bootcamp to hold me accountable."

Her main goal was to get back into a regular workout routine and after about a year of having this goal she finally did something about it! She got on her computer and starting searching for a program that interested her.

That's when she committed to herself for 8 week program (twice). She never missed a sessions...not one during the 16 weeks and in addition took the time to make some small changes in her eating habits to really help her see the results she wanted. She blocked the time on her calendar and made it a priority!

"I was really excited to start! I'm not sure how, but I just knew this was going to be a really good thing for me."

"I’ve loved everything – Megan and all of the instructors and members have always made me feel welcome and have such a positive energy. The classes and music vary so that I’m never bored. And I can always tell the next day which muscles I’ve worked – so I know I’m being challenged. I did not think I would like doing the fitness test/ measurements but that’s been really rewarding to see the changes over time."

Danielle is Incredibly excited about her future and the progress she has made towards her goals.  

"Creating the time to do this has now made it easier for me to make time to work towards other life goals."

"It’s more of a mental change than anything else. I just feel happy, full of energy, and no longer stress about stupid things."

When we asked Danielle where she would be if she never started the MEfit program she said

"I don’t even want to think about it!"

In four months Danielle has gotten so strong throughout her body from cardiovascular endurance to strength. I am so proud of her! She also saw some amazing body changes too as a result of lifting and swinging some kettlebells and rowing.

Her total loss includes: 

  • 17lbs
  • 6% total body fat
  • 6" total
    • 1.5" around waist
  • 2.5" around hips
  • 1" thigh
  • 33 seconds on the 500 meter sprint test

Her advice to anyone looking to get started on their own health and fitness journey is to

"evaluate what you need to push you to your goals, even if it seems uncomfortable, and just start."

Danielle, it has been so much fun watching you get stronger and take back your life! Cheers to many more successes! Your journey has just begun.

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It's all about ME in 2018!


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