Embrace Curiosity: Approaching your wellness as a series of experiments or explorations

Did you ever dream about being the next Dr. Shirley Jackson? Or pretend to be Indiana Jones? Okay, well, maybe Indy isn’t the best example, but how many of us have dreamed about being a scientist or explorer? And what do scientists and explorers have in common? Curiosity.

Yes, as the saying goes, curiosity killed the cat but… satisfaction brought it back. Meaning that the satisfaction of knowing the answer is also a powerful force. [Disclaimer: satisfaction does not actually raise the dead]

What does curiosity have to do with fitness and wellness? As much as we all wish there was a single answer to getting fit and healthy, the reality is that there are multiple approaches. Some backed by credible science and others…well, not. But even if we filter out all the quack and pseudoscience out there, there is still no silver bullet or secret sauce for living your best life. First, because everyone’s ideas of “best life” are different. But also because everybody and every body is different. 

Consider your beloved coaches for a moment. For Billy, carb cycling works great. Robin, on the other hand…let’s just say low carb doesn’t agree with him. Megan almost never feels sore and Sami almost always feels DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness).

There is certainly science out there attempting to “unlock” our individual codes whether it’s our genes or blood type. But the reality is that we are our own best scientists and explorers. After all, you’ve lived in your body since Day 0. What works for you and what doesn’t? 

Not sure how to “get curious”? Consider taking a goal you may have–let’s say drinking 80oz of water a day–and approaching that goal with an experimental mindset. How do you feel on days when you drink 80oz of water per day? Do you have more energy? Or do you just feel like you have to pee a lot more?

Basically, introduce a change (drinking more water, for example), be consistent with that change for a while, and take notes about how you’re feeling. Review those notes by yourself or with your coach to see if you notice any patterns. By the way, 80oz is a totally random number; the jury is still out on an “ideal” amount of water to drink every day. Which is another reason why being curious matters! As your own personal scientist or explorer, you can acquire knowledge about your bodymind that can always be added to, altered, or reframed over time.

We–your coaches–provide guidance backed by knowledge and experience but ultimately you are the expert on you! Make sure you’re talking to your coach about what you’re feeling and noticing so that we can adjust your programs and help you find what works best for you and your body. 

Embrace the power of curiosity.


Self Care for the Dark Days of Winter


Out of her slump and performing her best in life and in the gym!