12 Weeks, lost multiple inches, over 12 lbs and so much stronger!

We have just wrapped up another 12 week transformation program and I am so excited to share the weight loss, muscle gain, and strength gains during the past 12 weeks.

Meet Gayle! Gayle has been a member of Studio ME for over three years. During COVID she took a little break to focus on herself, biking more, and personal life. Gayle rejoined Studio ME back in October into the bootcamp program. See, Gayle, has had some weight loss goals for a few years but has struggled to achieve them. She has wanted to do the 12 week program in the past but it just never worked out - until now!

When we announced the start of the program in our new space she immediately jumped on it! She was ready. Ready to make the commitment, ready to make the changes, and put in the work. Going into it, people don’t realize how much work it really is if you want to see changes AND how much patience you need throughout a program like this. Results don’t just come overnight. As much as we wish they did, it just doesn’t work that way.

During the first few weeks we had to have a conversation about putting the scale away. See, Gayle wasn’t seeing any changes yet. She was getting frustrated and it was hard for her stay motivated with how hard she was working while in the studio and outside planning and prepping meals. This isn’t a program you sign up for and just expect results. You have to put in the work. She was but emotionally it was more challenging than she every thought!

“I want others to see what they can achieve in 12 weeks.” Says Gayle

But here we are today! Gayle has lost over 12lbs, many inches all over her body completely transforming it, learned how to fuel her body with food making significant changes in her diet, and is feeling better than ever. I mean, just look at those results! Absolutely amazing!!!! I am so dang proud of her for staying comitted, trusting the process and not giving up. She worked so hard and it shows. Here’s her story…

“ME12 is an intense program that provides amazing benefits, although along the way also brought its share of frustrations. Most of my life I have struggled with weight issues and went into ME12 hoping to not only build strength but also lose weight and/or inches. From the start, Billy did not hold back on the weights he had me lifting or the cardio, specifically the super tireds combined with the rowing. Along with the workouts, he placed me on a nutrition program which took hours of meal planning and meal prep to prepare for the week. Two weeks in and I saw no difference on the scale and, while I was increasing the amount of weight lifted, was not seeing any difference in my body. I was frustrated, but I made a commitment and stuck with it. Week four brought increased frustration both in not seeing any difference on the scale or how my clothes were fitting. Week five came along and bam! Billy changed the nutrition program which meant more meal planning and meal prep, but I was also starting to focus on the increase in weights and better numbers in rowing, so I knew something was happening. I decided to get on the scale and found I was down four pounds, even though I still did not see a difference in how my clothes were fitting. Finally! Except I still wanted more, and was more determined than ever to stay committed.

I think it was around week eight that Billy took a picture of our crew and sent it to all of us. I zoomed in to see how I looked and was shocked! How could I have not seen the difference looking in the mirror but I could see the difference in this picture? I was shocked by the muscles in my arms!

Week nine I started feeling lighter and started noticing a change in how my clothes fit. I got on the scale and was down a total of nine pounds! This program has provided the benefits I was hoping to attain -- I am stronger, have developed great eating habits, and cannot wait to see where I go from here.

This program is not for the faint of heart, but if you make the commitment to stick with it, you will see changes in your body! It may take many, many weeks (for some it takes no time at all), but it is worth the commitment and wait for those changes to come.

I started this program because I want to go into these next years of my life stronger and healthier and this program has set me on that path. I would recommend this program to any one! I want others to see what they can achieve in 12 weeks”

Want to see if this program is right for you? Schedule a no obligation call today. Our next group starts on April 11th.


Out of her slump and performing her best in life and in the gym!


Pain: The MindBody Connection