Build Muscle....Live Longer!

There is always a new study out there that proves something is different from what we expected take the whole egg thing. They are bad for you…they are good for you. You get the picture.

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There are tons of studies released, what seems almost daily, about the effect of exercise on our health. The problem is a lot of these studies are short term and from a very small group of people/data so I read them, take in what I can and move on.

There were two recent articles just related that made me stop and think, I need to share this with my crew! Here we go…

We all know exercise is good for us for meany reasons from reducing the risk of disease to increasing our bone density (women pay attention here), fighting obesity, blah blah blah. We all know that exercise is good for us.

Here are the two articles.

  1. Lifting Weights Just Once a Week Can Cut Your Heart Disease Risk in Half

  2. People with low muscle strength more likely to die prematurely

I recommend you read both of these but if you are looking for a cliff notes version here you go…

  1. Add strength training to your programming. If you are spinning, rowing, or running 5 days a week you may want to rethink that plan. Especially if you are female and over the age of 30. Start lifting some weights now and your body will thank you as you age. Sure, cardio can make you lean and you can burn a lot of calories in the moment but building lean muscle will increase your basal metabolic rate and you will burn more calories at rest if you have more muscle not to mention the other benefits of strength training but that’s for another time.

  2. Strength training is good for you at least one hour a week. Have more muscle strength will decrease your chance of dying early.

  3. This one I had no idea about and found fascinating…”hand grip strength specifically has been found to be inversely related to mobility limitations and disability.” 

Our members range from just out of college to 74 years old and we have both men and women as part of our crew. That’s a huge range and a variety of needs. Many of our members can meet their specific fitness goals in our group classes but not all. Many people have acute or chronic issues (back pain, etc) that limits what they can do in classes. This is where private training can really help!

Private personal training at Studio ME focuses on building your foundation first- your core- before we start loading your movements! A lot of us don’t even know how to use our core while exercising. We don’t know how to use our breath and we just go through the movement without thinking. Well, let me tell you, that can lead to injury! Personal training, while it can be expensive, is worth every penny whether you need to continue rehabbing an old injury, you are coming off of physical therapy and want to continue to build your strength, you have chronic pain you want to learn how to get rid of, you have an event you are training for, or if you just aren’t ready for the group classes yet.

We have helped so many clients shed those unwanted pounds, get rid of pain, move better, feel better and just be more confident from a 28 year old female runner that hates strength training but knows the importance, to a 63 year old female who needs help strengthening her lower body so she can get off the couch by herself and have a healthy retirement. We can help!

Give us a call today at 612-656-9306 for a FREE consult and see how we can help you achieve your goals whether they be to move better, feel better, get strong or lose weight.


Adjusting to your 'NEW NORMAL'


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