Plan for the inevitable

Raise your hand if you have ever started the week with the best of intentions to eat healthy and then find that your intentions were thwarted by “unexpected” work/school/kid obligations. 

Yeah, we’ve all been there. The best laid plans and all that. 

Life is always going to get in the way of healthy eating… if we let it. Conditions will never be perfect and we have to let go of the idea that if our healthy habits aren’t perfect, it’s not worth it. 

And while we can’t account for every eventuality, we can make some decisions up front that allow us to still make healthy decisions even in the face of crises or, you know, just regular work weeks.

First, make a list of the MOST likely things to derail your week of “perfect” eating. 

Long days at work leave you feeling drained and too tired to cook? Add it to the list. 

Running out of the house five minutes late means that you have no time for breakfast? Add it. 

What other interruptions can you think of? We’ll wait.

Okay, got your list?

Now for every potential derailment, you are going to think of an if/then statement.

If I get home from work and I’m too tired to cook, then I will…

Example: order something relatively healthy to have delivered (maybe even plan what you will order). Or if you don’t mind cooking in bulk, prepare some large meals that allow you to freeze individual portions so that if you’re too tired to cook, then you can defrost a healthy homemade option. 

Continue this for each and every eventuality that you came up with. Some might require that you prepare things ahead of time (make extra meals, purchase some less perishable snack items, etc.) but your goal is to plan ahead so that you don’t have to make decisions in the moment when you’re tired, hangry, and/or stressed. The decision has already been made and all you have to do is act on it!

Need help coming up with some if/then statements? Talk to your coach!

Not sure what “healthy” eating might look like for you? This is the last week to join the current round of our 12-Week Nutrition Program. Otherwise, the next round starts in May!


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Are you a distracted eater?